Sabtu, 24 Februari 2018

¡No es una dieta estricta! Es Body Secrets Fit y Slim Jennifer Lawrence

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¡No es una dieta estricta! Es Body Secrets Fit y Slim Jennifer Lawrence


Yakarta, en varias ocasiones, las estrellas de cine 'The Hunger Games' Jennifer Lawrence una vez confesaron que era muy perezoso para hacer dieta extrema o hacer ejercicio para adelgazar. Sin embargo, su cuerpo siempre se ve en forma. Según su entrenador personal, Dalton Wong, aunque nunca una dieta estricta, Jennifer sigue cuidando su dieta para no exagerar. Jennifer también siempre hace ejercicio, aunque no es demasiado larga ni demasiado pesada. En el nuevo libro de Wong, "The FeelGood Plan", Jennifer escribe cómo Wong cambió de opinión para poder vivir de manera saludable sin tener una dieta extrema. Él entiende que para ser delgado y en forma, su secreto es un estilo de vida saludable y administrar la comida lo mejor que pueda. Nunca puedo forzar una dieta estricta, pero Wong me enseñó a comer y mantenerse activo. Somos buenos amigos, me gusta pasar tiempo en el gimnasio, luego salgo a comer hamburguesas y papas fritas ocasionalmente ", dijo Jennifer, citada de Body and Soul. Lea también: Adele Down Weight 14 y Got Typical Cheeks, This Diet Trick Jennifer is también enfatizando siempre la importancia de mantener el estado de ánimo feliz y equilibrar el sistema psíquico. De esta forma, vivirás más fácilmente un estilo de vida saludable y no te sentirás forzado. Siempre recordar a Jennifer sobre la selección de la porción correcta de la comida, especialmente para el menú de grasa, proteínas e hidratos de carbono.Para los refrigerios, Jennifer por lo general elige hummus, verduras y pan más aguacate.Aunque para el ejercicio físico, Jennifer no es una celebridad que le gusta hacer ejercicio regularmente y en gran intensidad, prefiere hacer ejercicio en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar. Incluso entre los descansos, Jennifer suele realizar ejercicios rápidos como sentadillas y estocadas, al menos por lo menos 15 minutos, dijo Wong. Wu y Jennifer creen que con 15 minutos todavía puedes entrenar al cuerpo para seguir moviéndose y sentirse mejor. En lugar de esforzarte por hacer un horario regular de deportes, ejecutalo con forzado, no feliz y, a menudo, omita el perezoso o aburrido. Lea también: 5 dieta más famosa 'Nyeleneh' a lo largo del año 2015 (ajg / vit)



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Senin, 12 Februari 2018

Hell! When the twins were photographed with her twin sister

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Hell! When the twins were photographed with her twin sister


Jakarta, two twins are posing with her brother who is also twins. Automatically, created two pairs of twins posing. Portrait of their togetherness became an adorable photo. The older brother, twins of different sex named Nico and Siena. The two boys will be 3 years old in April. Well, the twin sister, born on January 26, and given where Gia and Gemma.Orang old them, Juliet Cannici (35) said initially made a photo of two pairs of twins as a cover photo on Facebook. In addition, the photos of Nico-Siena-Gia-Gemma are also uploaded on instagram @westonjadephotography. Unexpectedly, the photo of the twins so the attention of many orang.Awalnya Nico and Siena reluctant to participate in this photo. But then, I asked her to rent clothes and let them play for a while. After that, then they want to pose with her sister, said Juliet to Today.






Gia and Gemma (Photo: Instagram @ westonjadephotography)






Since it was uploaded on Monday (6/2) then, this photo gets over 4,100 like. Generally, netizens feel exasperated with the pose of four children. Like @ mahali.liell who say the children are very sweet. Then, @ syleena.monique reveals if the kids are so funny and the photos that Juliet produced are really amazing. Lots of love in one photo. Really amazing, said @ aahebes.Speaking of twins, dr Eric Kasmara, SpOG from Pondok Indah Puri Indah Hospital said not always couples who have twins, there must be offspring have twins.Artinya if naturally, he splits ourselves that we can not know, still a mystery. But if for example there are women who currently have 2 eggs that are fertile together, it could also be the baby so non-identical twins. Because two sperm fertilize two eggs, explained dr Eric.






Nico and Siena (Photo: Instagram @ westonjadephotography)






Read also: Touch! Photos of Twin Babies Hugged His Sick Brother Currently, continued Eric, pretty much encountered women who consume fertility drugs, so that the egg can grow more than one. Or in patients with assisted reproduction programs such as intrauterine insemination programs and tube infant programs, the chances of having twins are bigger. Among the amniotic sacs, basically there are amnion (membranes close to the infant) and chorion (amniotic membranes outside the amniotic membrane). In twin infants, the condition of the amniotic membrane may be: monoamnion-monokorion, diamnion-monokorion, and diamnion-dikorion.Bayi monoamnion-monokorion twins come from one egg cell, which after fertilized then split in two perfectly. These are identical twins and the sex must be the same. There are also twins who are in two different amniotic layers (diamnion) but are in the same chorion (monokorion). Then there are twins in different amniotic and chorionic membranes (diamnion-dikorion), Eric says. The diamond-diamond twins come from two different eggs, each of which is fertilized by one different sperm, referred to as identical twins. The sex can be different and if the sex is the same, the face is not the same (non-identical). In the case of conjoined twins, they fall into the category of monoamnion - monokorion. This happens when the blastocyst (split fetus) is split in two, the process is not perfect so that there are parts of the body of the fetus that stick together, said Dr. Eric.Read also: Various Risk of Complications in Twin Pregnancy (rdn / up)